среда, 16 октября 2024 г.

blood, wine, a bit of a Masonic vibe, mу art, 297×420 , pencil drawing, 2024 The drawing captures a surreal and intimate moment between two men, blending elements of mystery, ritual, and the macabre. It explores themes of trust, vulnerability, and the hidden depths of human connection. #pencildrawing #pencilart #artworks #instaart #artgalley #drawings #artragneidr #derwent #derwentpencils #yuliyakravets #ragneidrart #ArtOfContemplation #IntimateMoment #Piano #Blindfold #Wine #Blood #Masonic #Symbolism #mason #Vulnerability #HumanConnection #Ritual #Macabre #Trust #ArtisticExpression #DarkArt #EmotionalArt #CreativeVision

 blood, wine, a bit of a Masonic vibe, mу art, 297×420 , pencil drawing, 2024

The drawing captures a surreal and intimate moment between two men, blending elements of mystery, ritual, and the macabre. It explores themes of trust, vulnerability, and the hidden depths of human connection.

#pencildrawing #pencilart #artworks #instaart #artgalley #drawings #artragneidr #derwent #derwentpencils #yuliyakravets #ragneidrart #ArtOfContemplation #IntimateMoment

пятница, 11 октября 2024 г.

Animal Farm, mу art, 297×420 , pencil drawing, 2024 We almost made "1984", "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, "The Foundation Pit" by Andrei Platonov and "Invitation to a Beheading" by Nabokov a reality. Why don't we make "The 120 Days of Sodom" by Marquis de Sade a reality? P.S.: the mouse hanged itself from shock Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. No animal shall wear clothes. No animal shall sleep in a bed. No animal shall drink alcohol. No animal shall kill any other animal. All animals are equal. These commandments are also distilled into the maxim "Four legs good, two legs bad!" which is primarily used by the sheep on the farm, often to disrupt discussions and disagreements between animals on the nature of Animalism. Later, Napoleon and his pigs secretly revise some commandments to clear themselves of accusations of law-breaking. The changed commandments are as follows, with the changes bolded: No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. No animal shall drink alcohol to excess. No animal shall kill any other animal without cause. All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. #draw #pencildrawing #pencilart #artworks #instaart #artgalley #drawings #artragneidr #yuliyakravets #ragneidrart #derwent #derwentpencils #pencilart #ınstaart #orwell #georgeorwell #1984 #pig #animalfarm #balckcat #sodom #MarquisdeSade #communism #social #cosialart #farmer #politik #political #totalitarianism #dystopia #Scotism #animalism


вторник, 13 августа 2024 г.

Thus Forgotten Fairy Tales Die, mу art, 297×420 , pencil drawing, 2024 "They demolished the house. Inside, the forgotten house spirit wept silently. For a long time, he had been giving them signs to take him along. He knocked on the batteries at night, hummed through the pipes like a trombone. But people no longer believed in him. He had become obsolete to them. Milk was served to the cats in all the saucers. In the corners, there was only dust, and that was all. And now, he looked out the window, waiting for them to tear him down along with the house where he was born. With those walls that held his entire life. Suddenly, a boy stood up for him. Domovoi! I’m going! Hang on! His mother couldn’t hold him back, and his father was too slow—faster than the dozens of grown-ups, second-grader Sasha Stepanov raced to the rescue. The boy disappeared into the entrance, his mother screamed in panic, and his father cursed: Hey, bulldozers! Stop! He blocked their path. The son ran up to the attic. Hurry! He twisted his ankle on the stairs but didn’t cry—friends were more important. The door swung open. Sunlight poured in. The house spirit sat by the window. Hey, hello! I noticed you. Are you moving to the new building? The domovoi smiled at Sasha and traced the windowsill with his hand. Yes, I am. In your pocket. Take me with you. He turned into a toy. The boy picked him up, placed him in his pocket, and whispered: You’re essential to me! You’ve saved me so many times—from nightmares, bogeymen, and fires, a hundred times over! I’m taking you with us! I’m thrilled about this neighborhood! As the boy stepped out of the entrance, his father gave way to the machinery. From his pocket, he suddenly heard: Don’t forget, as you grow up: I exist! His mother scolded him for a week, and his father remained grumpy for three days. But he learned the most important lesson: fairy tales are alive. Here and now." 😊🏠🌟 #pencildrawing #pencilart #artworks #instaart #artgalley #drawings #artragneidr #derwent #derwentpencils #yuliyakravets #ragneidrart #housespirit #kidsstory #farytales #slavicmythology #домовой #дамавiк


пятница, 26 июля 2024 г.

FAUST, mу art, 297×420 , pencil drawing, 2024 Erst zu begegnen dem Tiere, Brauch ich den Spruch der Viere: Salamander soll glühen, Undene sich winden, Sylphe verschwinden, Kobold sich mühen. Wer sie nicht kennte, Die Elemente, Ihre Kraft Und Eigenschaft, Wäre kein Meister Über die Geister. Verschwind in Flammen, Salamander! Rauschend fließe zusammen, Undene! Leucht in Meteoren-Schöne, Sylphe! Bring häusliche Hülfe, Incubus! Incubus! Tritt hervor und mache den Schluß! Keines der Viere Steckt in dem Tiere. Es liegt ganz ruhig und grinst mich an; Ich hab ihm noch nicht weh getan. Du sollst mich hören Stärker beschwören. Bist du Geselle Ein Flüchtling der Hölle? So sieh dies Zeichen, Dem sie sich beugen, Die schwarzen Scharen! Schon schwillt es auf mit borstigen Haaren. Verworfnes Wesen! Kannst du ihn lesen? Den nie Entsproßnen, Unausgesprochnen, Durch alle Himmel Gegoßnen, Freventlich Durchstochnen? Hinter den Ofen gebannt, (Daktylus) Schwillt es wie ein Elefant Den ganzen Raum füllt es an, Es will zum Nebel zerfließen. Steige nicht zur Decke hinan! Lege dich zu des Meisters Füßen! Du siehst, daß ich nicht vergebens drohe. Ich versenge dich mit heiliger Lohe! Erwarte nicht Das dreimal glühende Licht! Erwarte nicht Die stärkste von meinen Künsten! #draw #pencildrawing #pencilart #artworks #instaart #artgalley #drawings #artragneidr #yuliyakravets #ragneidrart #derwent #derwentpencils #pencilart #ınstaart #Faust #Mephistopheles #GothicArt #DarkAcademicAesthetic #ClassicalLiterature #DramaticDrawing #ArtistsOfInstagram #InkDrawing #LiteraryArt #GothicLiterature #DevilishDeal #PactWithTheDevil #CelestialImagery #EnduringMythos #CreativeIllustration


пятница, 12 июля 2024 г.

Wings, 297×420 , pencil drawing, 2024 In the center of the drawing, there lies a fallen angel. The classical biblical narrative implies the presence of an enraged God looking down from above. However, from above, we observe a zombie crow and a military plane—a collective embodiment of aggression. At first glance, it seems that the angel was shot down, but upon closer inspection, we notice that the angel’s wings remain intact, and there is no defeat in their gaze. The angel’s eyes are fixed on the sky, where the battle continues. It appears as though they are merely waiting for the right moment to engage and deliver a decisive blow. Perhaps this angel isn’t fallen at all. Look closely at their face beneath the layer of black soot and bloody wounds—they appear to be a child. A child-angel, symbolizing faith and hope for the future. Fearless yet slightly naive, they gaze calmly. Pay attention to another crucial detail in the painting: the hourglass. It has only just begun to measure time, and the messenger seems to await their moment. Ready to shield the earth with their massive wings. Wings larger than those of a plane or a crow. Do you know how quickly children grow? Do you know how swiftly children of war mature?" #art #angel #fantasy #symbolism #war #hope #wings #hourglass #FallenAngelArt #WarDrawing #PencilSketchBattle #AngelOfDespair #ConflictIllustration #MilitaryJetArtwork #HourglassSymbolism #BarbedWireSketch #RuinsAndWings #DarkFantasyDrawing #SorrowfulSeraphim #ArtisticWarzone #DesolateAngel #FighterJetInFlight #UrbanDecayArt #WingedWarriorFallen #TimeRunningOutArt #BattleScarsSketch #ApocalypticArtistry #EtherealStruggleIllustration https://bobruisk.guru/wings-2024/